Become ΒΣΨ / Membership Education
Becoming a Beta Sig
Unlike the learning experience in the classrooms of most colleges and universities, the Educational and Leadership Programs by Beta Sigma Psi are far more pertinent to the individual’s future. When a person first joins Beta Sig he becomes an Associate Member. This is a period of learning about the Fraternity, learning to live in the chapter house, and accepting the rules necessary to promote a cohesive environment for scholastic as well as social values.
Membership Education – Men of Conviction, Character and Confidence
This program is generally tailored to the first 12 weeks of membership as an Associate Member. It includes information about the history of the Fraternity, its organization, and local chapter history. It also includes such topics as Social Confidence and etiquette, Parliamentary Procedure, and the important role of our Alumni and the Alumni Chapter.
Leadership Education is Very Important
Leadership is taught with help from a qualified member of the local faculty in Action and Personal Growth. Leadership is about developing a plan of action with input of all members and executing that plan in a way that everyone feels they have been a part of the ultimate success. Too often in the world of business or government, leaders tend to implement their plan and then selfishly take credit for all of the successes.
Beta Sig offers it’s members many opportunities to develop their leadership skills as chapter officers, working as a group to complete the task of making the Chapter the best on campus. This goal can only be accomplished with the enthusiastic help of all of the members. It is this group endeavor and experience that builds character and confidence in our members and that helps them become future leaders in our society.
Three Corporations Make Up The National Fraternity
The National Officers – elected and appointed – are the managing board between meetings annually of the National Council. The National Council is composed of all active and alumni chapters plus the National Officers. The National Council is the supreme legislative body to amend the constitution as needed, and prescribe new policies and principles to the entire Fraternity. The votes of the National Council are constructed so that a majority of power rests with the Active Chapters.
The Educational Foundation is a 50l-(C)-(3) Corporation under IRS guidelines. This means in a practical way that all contributions to the Foundation is tax deductible. The organization currently has over $1,000,000.00 in assets, and provides academic scholarships and awards. In addition it funds many of the National Fraternity’s educational programming. Several Chapters, including Zeta Chapter, use the Foundation as its repository for funds available for Chapter Scholarships. What this means is that the earnings of the principle are annually available for scholarships. In today’s world of ever increasing tuition, housing, and food costs, many young men could not survive without scholarship aid.
The Beta Sigma Psi Foundation (AKA -Housing Foundation) was incorporated to help lend money and provide guidance to Alumni and Active Chapters of the Fraternity. The present makeup of the Foundation’s Board of Directors includes five past National Presidents, an architect and several contractors. With limited assets of just over $400,000.00 we currently are not able to loan money to build a new chapter house, but its experienced board members are available to help Alumni Chapters make determinations of when and how to establish a capital Fund raising program. They also assist in creating model contracts for undergrads and provide guidance on acquiring necessary insurance coverages.
Zeta Chapter
Ethan Jones
(913) 424-4825
Zeta Chapter
Dakota Smith
(913) 706-5583
Manhattan Alumni Chapter
Laurel Davis
(316) 617-1881
Manhattan Alumni Chapter
Gary Raffety
(913) 831-3842